Our Mission Statement
Placing truth, accuracy, and objectivity first.
The Mirador’s Editorial Policy
The Mirador staff believes that, as preservers of democracy, our schools shall protect, encourage and enhance free speech and the exchange of ideas as a means of protecting our American way of life.
The Mirador is Miramonte’s official student-produced medium of news. Information published by The Mirador’s staff writers is protected and bound to the principles of the First Amendment and other protections and limitations afforded by the Constitution and the various laws and court decisions implementing those principles. California is a New Voices state that ensures free speech rights to journalism students in public schools and colleges.
The Mirador is a designated public forum for student editors to inform and educate their readers as well as for the discussion of issues of concern to their audience. It will not be reviewed or restrained by school officials prior to publication or distribution.
Because school officials do not engage in prior review, and the content of The Mirador is determined by and reflects only the views of the student staff and not school officials or the school itself, its student editorial board and accountable student staff members assume responsibility for the content of the publication.
The Mirador will not publish any material determined by student editors or the student editorial board to be unprotected—that is, material that is libelous, obscene, materially disruptive of the school process, an unwarranted invasion of privacy, a violation of copyright, or a promotion of products or services unlawful (illegal) as to minors as defined by state or federal law.
The Mirador editorial board reserves the right to accept or reject any ad in accordance with its advertising policy.
Letters to the Editor
Editorials reflect the opinions of the majority of The Mirador’s editorial board. Editorial topics are chosen by a consensus of section editors. The Mirador solicits letters to the editor. Signed letters to the editors can be sent to mhsmirador@gmail.com. Unsigned letters will not be published, but names can be withheld by request. The editorial board reserves the right to edit letters for clarity and length.