Burning Man Will Continue Virtually This Year

Nick Mollahan, Staff Writer

In the year 2020, the festival Burning Man is still taking place, but instead of traveling to Black Rock City in Nevada, it’s going virtual. Attendees will watch artists perform on their computers and virtual reality. Burning Man is a yearly festival where people get together to show their art, self-expression, and self-reliance with one another, where all creativity is accepted and encouraged. 

No more than 50 people are able to gather during the coronavirus so the festival directors had to improvise how Burning Man will happen this year. The festival will now have virtual meetups with groups of people to share their ideas and thoughts to hopefully gain knowledge from one another. Last year, there were over 78 thousand people who came together to camp and communicate together on the dry desert in Black Rock.

“Officially Burning Man or not, we make our home here for the week of Burning Man,” Gomes said in a New York Times article, a man who has attended over 10 years in a row. Not only is it him who still wants to be at Burning Man, but many participants would still go despite the coronavirus. People will be visiting Black Rock City and camping there during the time of Burning Man, there will just be no events and much less of a crowd.

“This year feels like a nice reset from the big bloat that Burning Man has become, it leaves space for people to camp, but it also leaves space for people to help each other,” Connors said in a CNN article. People are happy that Burning Man will be calmer this year, especially for the veterans who have gone for years and love the peace and quiet in camping.

Now that Burning Man is virtual, it gives people opportunities to experience a less busy camping ground in Nevada. Burning Man is hoping for a successful virtual experience for all of the people joining to express new ideas and art with people from all around the country and even the globe.