7 COVID-19 Friendly Fall Activities

Aiden Bowen, Staff Writer

  1. Go Apple Picking – As fall has arrived, plenty of delicious fruits have come into season. Gala, Honeycrisp, and Golden Crisp apples are wonderful options. To pick some of these apples, Gabriel Farms in Sebastopol is a great place to go. With only an hour and a half drive, its a perfect place to make a day trip to. For only $40 plus $2.50 per lb, you can pick apples to your heart’s content. To make a reservation, book your membership online at gabrielfarm.com and email them to reserve your spot. 


  1. Carve a Pumpkin with Friends on Zoom – While most lack the inability to spend time with friends, Zoom is a great platform to virtually hang out with friends. During the fall season, one of the most fun things to do is carve pumpkins with friends, so why not host a pumpkin carving party on Zoom! Set up your phone or laptop in a station where you can carve your pumpkin. To find some great pumpkins to carve, head to a local pumpkin patch or order a delivery from Piedmont Avenue Pumpkin Patch. 


  1. Bake a Treat – Bake some themed treats this year for Halloween or fall! Quarantine is the perfect time to get in the kitchen and make something homemade. With the cold season upon us and quarantine still very much in place, there’s nothing better than to spend some more time inside and bake. Take a day on the weekend and put your creativity into your baking.  For some great ideas to get started and boost your creative juices, check out Ingaborg’s article. 


  1. Visit a Corn Maze – For a thrilling and COVID-19 safe corn maze, visit the Petaluma Pumpkin Patch. With a 12-acre farm, there is no need to make reservations, you just have to be willing to drive! The maze is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Just don’t get there after 5:30 p.m. or you won’t be allowed in! The fee for the maze is $7.00.


  1. Decorate Your House – With Halloween just around the corner, why not turn your house into a haunted house. With an unlimited amount of spooky decor available at stores like CVS and Party City, grab your mask and get shopping! Pick up a hanging ghost or some spider webs to transform your home into a spooky graveyard or take inspiration from the Addam’s Family mansion.


  1. Boo at the Zoo – Last but not least, the Oakland Zoo’s annual Boo at the Zoo, a Halloween themed blowout from October 24 – 31! For COVID-19 prevention, the Zoo is regulating the number of people and keeping social distancing measures. Book your ticket 14 days in advance, put on your favorite costume and enjoy the festivities. And, don’t forget to claim your goodybag filled with mystery treats (which will be handed out COVID-19 safely)! For more info, visit oaklandzoo.org.