Students Are Thrilled to Begin Sports Season

Ingaborg Foutch and Nick Mollahan

Kicking the ball back and forth with your teammate, you are thrilled to finally be back out on the field, playing the sport you missed so much. You look across the field at your coaches and teammates, all ecstatic to be back in the game. 

After a year of no high school sports, athletes are finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Indoor sports began officially the week of April 5th, however, outdoor sports began the week of March 17th. ā€œFinally after much too long of a break, I get to start playing swim and waterpolo again. I am so excited to have a season and to be able to reunite with my team and my coaches,ā€ junior Shannon Murphy said. 

A huge part that was missed when sports were canceled last March were the bonds and relationships with team members that were harder to keep with physical distance and no everyday practices.

Sports being canceled took a hit on athletes because such an important part of their lives was taken away from them in an instant. Now, with the vaccine and correct safety precautions being taken, athletes can finally go back to doing what they love. 

Not only are seniors excited to be able to play, but so are their teammates that wanted one more chance to play alongside them.ā€œIā€™m super excited and grateful that we are starting high school sports this year. I really want this last chance to play with my teammates who are seniors and I really wanted them to be able to have this season,ā€ junior James Frye said. 

Having sports this year is a big deal for seniors because it is their final high school season, and losing this season would be detrimental. ā€œIā€™m so happy and grateful that sports are opening back up! I canā€™t wait to get on the court and play some games. Itā€™s been a long time since Miramonte students have been able to participate in sports, so I think we can all say that everyone is stoked to show their talents,ā€ senior Ryan Schwarz said. 

ā€œI am very excited for sports to be starting back up to get an opportunity to become better at my favorite thing to do [football]. I also think itā€™s very COVID safe and friendly so I feel safe while playing,ā€ sophomore Nic Webber said.. Student athletes are being tested weekly and wearing masks while practicing, maintaining a COVID-19 safe environment while still getting a sports season.

Coaches are also thrilled to have sports back in session. ā€œIā€™m most excited for the players. Theyā€™ve been practicing outdoors for several months without knowing if there would even be a season. Their hard work and perseverance is finally paying off. It would have been easy to quit but they didnā€™t. Iā€™m really proud of this team,ā€ Girls Varsity basketball head coach Vince Wirthman said.

Your coach shoots you a text, ā€œSeason 2021 is on!ā€ You jump in your seat, pumped that finally after a year of nothing you get to safely reunite with your team and the sport you so deeply love.