Students Attend Senior Ball


Photo by Keira Taylor

Ingaborg Foutch, Social Media Manager

Friends gather together to take photos before the last dance for seniors at Miramonte High School. The bittersweet feeling of one’s high school years coming to a close wash over students. It’s Senior Ball. “How is senior year almost over?” one thinks to themselves, reminiscing. 

Saturday, May 15th, this moment became a reality for Miramonte seniors. The Miramonte parents organized a ball on the upper football field for the senior class. The ball was masquerade-themed and started at 7 pm. Parents diligently decorated the ball, and students attended with their friends and dates. “It was really fun being able to see people who I haven’t seen since the lockdown. I really enjoyed the food, the gambling, and the dancing. I’m very happy that we could have a senior ball this year,”  senior Connor Haas said. Since students are separated into three cohorts for school, A, B, and C, some students have not seen each other since the start of the pandemic, making this ball a reunion for many. Senior ball was one of the first activities of the school year where all students could attend and hang out with each other. This event was one of the first times seniors have all seen each other in over a year and, sadly, one of the last.

“I thought senior ball was wonderful! You could really tell the parents put so much work into it, and it turned out great. I know everyone had a great time,” senior Kate Rochios said. Parents have planned and organized the ball for weeks prior and showed up hours before the ball to give the seniors the best time possible. The decorations included a dance floor, two tents, a bunch of tables for students to eat at, a photo booth, casino tables, couches, and poker.

“Senior ball was super fun! I went with all my friends. The parents did a super nice job planning and setting everything up. My favorite part was dancing with my friends,” senior Lindsay Hemming said. Students got to dance all night with their friends for the first time in a while due to the pandemic.

Parents worked for hours to organize and make the ball as memorable as possible for seniors. “It was very fun to set up as there was a lot of great decor to work with, like poker, the dance floor, and lots of food,” parent helper Kim Cohen said.

This ball was unlike any years past. Many past senior balls have encompassed going to a fancy destination at a nice venue. However, this year, it was on Miramontes’ very own football field. While it was likely not what seniors envisioned, it was still a great opportunity for the senior class to come together for one of the last times ever.

The night finishes, and you scroll through your phone, already reminiscing on a fun night you had with all of your friends; “I will miss them next year,” you think to yourself.